I’ve been doing some deep-diving into leadership development and noticed something that corporate boards, hiring managers, and executive teams seem to overlook, and in my opinion, is a huge contributor to less-than-desirable employee retention rates and work-life satisfaction.

If more people in leadership positions understood these qualities a little better and learned exactly why they are valuable, why they deserve to be treated as advantages and not weaknesses, and how to wield them, individuals and teams would be happier, more productive, and much more inclined to contribute and bring innovative ways to increase profits. Not to mention… your best employees will stick around longer!

Let’s talk about Feminine Leadership Qualities.

Now – I know you might be thinking:

  • I’m a man, so this doesn’t apply to me.
  • Or, I’m a woman, and I make an effort every day to repress my “feminine” side in order to keep up with my male coworkers.

THIS JUST IN: These valuable qualities have nothing to do with gender!

To clarify, we are exploring traits that are traditionally and stereotypically associated with women or referred to as feminine qualities, yet produce great results, when nurtured, for both men and women leaders.

The way Inc.com puts it – Labeling traits as masculine or feminine reflects popular perception rather than evidence-based fact, but it’s a handy way to think about what works in organizations today. Here are some examples:

  • Empathy: Being sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others.
  • Vulnerability: Owning up to one’s limitations and asking for help.
  • Humility: Seeking to serve others and to share credit. This is HUGE.
  • Inclusiveness: Soliciting and listening to many voices.
  • Generosity: Being liberal with time, contacts, advice, and support.
  • Balance: Giving life, as well as work, it’s due.
  • Patience: Taking a long-term view.


How could any of these be bad?

How does your organization acknowledge these traits in successful leaders?

Might these traits be a part of your performance management process?

How might these qualities contribute to you being a more effective leader?

How can you view these traits as advantages when making hiring decisions?

What can you do to support your organization to place more value on community rather than agency?

How could the business world foster and encourage the utilization of these leadership qualities?

I have some interesting information to share with you and would love to know your thoughts. I look forward to providing my ideas of how you and your team can make better connections with one another, and in turn increase productivity, profit, and most importantly employee engagement!

Let’s Chat!

Comment below to share your thoughts, or book a quick call with me here.

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