Leadership SuperPowers in Action: How Flexible Are You?

You know what most C-Suite Leaders complain about? The need for flexible leaders with a backbone.

These leaders have a balance between masculine and feminine leadership styles. They can stand up and point others in a positive direction and at the same time know when to listen deeply and collaborate.

Flexible Leader with BackboneDo you know leaders like that?

If you’re a Flexible SuperPower™ you have the ability to adapt your leadership style based on the needs of the situation.

You can often reach high goals because you have the willingness and know-how to take on whatever role is needed at the time. You may have many loyal fans due to your ability to hold positive expectations and encourage the talent of others.

Be careful not to acquiesce just because you can do something. You may reflexively act as the ringleader for all Super Team Members.

Your timing and intuition are typically impeccable. Just make sure to check your assumptions.

You may not mind what part others play as long as everyone is either getting along or the goal is met. However, it’s okay to say the word ‘No.’

You may be filled with humility and may not even be aware of the value that you bring. Team up with a Directive SuperPower™ if you need the words to ask for additional resources.

Ready to dive deeper into your Leadership SuperPowers™?

Book a success call and see how you can best utilize your Flexible SuperPower
or identify which member of your team may possess these strengths!

Book a success call with me here.

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