Leadership SuperPowers™ in Action: Relational SuperPowers™

Do you have Relational SuperPowers™?

If so, you have the same leadership style as, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Mister Fantastic, Wonder Woman, and other Relational Leaders.

Relational Leadership SuperPowers™ work best when connecting with people. This superpower is able to inspire and influence others to meet common goals. When organizations value taking time to tap into the collective wisdom of people (customers, employees and shareholders) this superpower shines.

How to Cultivate Relational SuperPowers: Self manage your own thoughts and deeply listen to understand another person’s perspective fully. Promote others and their ideas. Take responsibility for your part in the way your relationships are now. Be patient with others by choosing to believe that everyone is doing the very best they can.

The problem with toxic corporate cultures today is the lack of value placed on healthy relationships.

If you’re ready to see your culture thrive, begin investing in your relationships and watch employee engagement and productivity skyrocket!

Take our Comprehensive Super Leadership Assessment Here

It takes 10 minutes and it’s free!

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