Hey everyone, my friend and amazing writer Kim Galor wrote a Story about someone super special, Steve Daley.

The story of Steve, founder and leading educator in an organization that empowers kids to protect themselves against violence, and his experience with the Strategy Master Program illustrates how even the most successful leaders can benefit from stepping outside of their own box for solutions.

“I was looking for someone to help me find my personal direction and also to successfully transition the organization into the future, which may or may not include me.”- Steve

As is often the case, Steve decided to join the program with a specific mission in mind. Having nurtured and developed his organization for sixteen years, he wanted to begin to focus on how to transition the company.

He’d worked with Nina in a different capacity in the past and trusted her business skills. With his busy schedule, it was helpful to be able to jump right in to the Strategy Master Program and get to work without having to spend extra time treading water to establish a connection.

Full Steam Ahead

Both leaders and entrepreneurs tend to operate in ways that emphasize their own strengths. Steve’s nature is to work extremely hard and maintain a “full steam ahead” mentality.  It has been challenging for Steve to find someone inside his organization that he could collaborate with to create a strategy, as he has surrounded himself with equally enthusiastic educators who prefer to focus their energy on doing the work with the children and families in their communities.

The guidance of Nina and the mastermind group helped him to take a step back and re-evaluate exactly what he wanted to accomplish with his own career and with his exit strategy regarding the organization. In Steve’s case, the ACTT Blueprint created by Nina was critical in helping Steve to first align himself with his personal career goals before trying to focus on a strategy for transitioning his legacy, the organization.

“For me, there was an element of personal growth along with organizational growth opportunities that I was able to explore simultaneously. I consider it to be like business therapy, where you are guided through the process of determining what you want and how to get it rather than just being directed to take predetermined steps.”- Steve, Strategy Master Program participant

Trust the Process

One of the most common concerns about coaching and mastermind groups is the exposure of vulnerabilities. Leaders often want to protect what is behind the curtain.

This is where Nina’s experience and training provide such important value. She is dedicated to working only with clients that she can deeply impact. She skillfully places clients together in appropriate mastermind groups that provide meaningful support and growth throughout their journey. The foundation of her coaching is the establishment of trust, both between herself and between all individuals in her programs.

The Strategy Master program has many elements, including one on one sessions with Nina. Steve echoes the thoughts of many others when he discusses one aspect of the program, his mastermind group.

“Individuals throw out a challenge they are facing and everyone pitches in with solutions. The emphasis is not to judge or question why a problem exists, but rather to gain some other perspectives about how to solve it. It shows how everyone can work together for the greater good and yet also work on their own evolution.”- Steve

Steve continues to work tirelessly with his organization and is in the middle of his Strategy Master program. Now that he has gained a focus on the right goal, he feels he is making great strides and is using his time more wisely. He expects the outcome of his work to be that he has set up his organization to maintain momentum and continue to make a difference in the lives of children, with or without his direct daily involvement.

“I think the most important thing I appreciate about the program is the trust. Trusting Nina and the people I am working with. Nina establishes trust right away and she brings that out in others.”-Steve

You might relate to Steve if you are a passionate, tireless leader or entrepreneur whose style is to dive in and get to work. As a strong leader, you may have surrounded yourself with others who have the same style, making it difficult to gain a different perspective. It can be challenging to reveal yourself or your organization fully in order to move forward and grow. With Nina’s programs you learn how trust can enrich you personally and also accelerate your professional growth.

If you are currently on the fence about joining Nina, a good primer would be signing up for her FREE COURSE.

Thank you Kim and Steve for sharing this story!



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